السبت، 16 يوليو 2016

Stop osteoporosis before you stop

Preparation: Lights Haniyeh
Fragility or weakness or thinning, or osteoporosis or weak bones, all of the names of several single disease is a silent disease caused by a deficiency in the amount of "calcium" which leads to excessive fragility where broken bones very easily, in this met "Thuraya" d corner.Fadel Na'im; consultant Medicine and Orthopaedic Hospital in public service, to know the factors that increase the risk of infection, and ways of prevention and treatment.

What are the factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis?
There are factors related to the disease, such as: a history of the disease osteoporosis in the family, age, and have sex female, amenorrhea (menstrual cycle) at an early age by the fifth session, as well as more than (3 pregnancy) times in a row or not a final pregnancy and slim or thin structure, there are factors related to the pattern of Alehiah- and will be addressed when talking about how to prevent Hib disease, and other factors satisfactory reasons or are taking certain medications, including gastrointestinal diseases and malabsorption, chronic renal failure, and increased thyroid activity, as well as taking certain medications, such as cortisone and epilepsy medications and blood thinners.
How can osteoporosis be diagnosed?
It is revealed through action (check bone density), and which determine the degree of intensity, which is divided into normal bone and bone weak and brittle bones, and severe bone fragility, and are dealing with the case according to the degree of vulnerability has.
Why fragility occur bones are common in women?
First, women generally have less bone mass, and therefore weaker bones that are about men

Also because of the loss of the ability to produce estrogen after menopause, women who undergo hysterectomies and ovarian process, menopause at a relatively early, as well as women who had experienced menopause for six months or Aktar then Aadt- in after-menstrual cycle to normal.
In what ways preventive and treatment for this disease?
  • The prevention of this disease begins in childhood and is better than cure, and this is through lifestyle changes a person, through: eating an adequate amount of calcium in food, such as milk and dairy products, fish, spinach, onions, eat foods rich in vitamin D, which helps the absorption of calcium, such as sardines, egg yolks, and moderate exposure to the sun, especially for children, and exercise since childhood, where no sport for each age, and the best sports walking day after day for half an hour.
  • As well as stopping smoking and non-smoking communion, and not to overindulge in soft drinks and stimulants such as coffee and tea; as it increases the proportion of calcium lost through the urine.
  • It treatments: Take preventative drugs for the absorption of calcium from the bone, and weatherproof stop osteoporosis so as not to increase, including tablets taken once a week there and take the injection once a year.
  • And the use of hormones in a constructive bone, such as: hormone "Calcetuten" and is available in the form of injection sprays.
  • Prosthetic treatment and the use of hormones (estrogen) is used for women to make up the shortfall and prevent fragility, but be consulted by Gynaecologist; because of the problems affecting the pressure, and some cancers.
  • If there is more than one of the factors previously mentioned for the incidence of work are examined early bone density to prevent breakage.
What tips offered by infected women have osteoporosis?
Not to wear high heels and instead use walking shoes are good, as well as avoid juices even fresh ones; they lead to weight gain and replace them with drinking water, milk, skim milk and eat eggs-free cheeses from the milk at breakfast, exercise a day on a regular basis, as well as to avoid falls and to prevent therefore, they should avoid walking on carpets or rugs where they may cause in the fall, and it must be good lighting inside the house, as well as the matter should be checked constantly, and the use of sticks or crutches when needed.
If women know that they are infected with osteoporosis should avoid exercise that involves sudden and violent movements; because he had offered to fall suddenly, causing severe stress to the part of the body.

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