السبت، 16 يوليو 2016


Of course it's obesity! It is still sweeping the health of many. One of the biggest risks of diabetes, which is a disruption in the action of insulin, which modifies blood sugar, in the body. It is the most difficult and most challenging diseases. Nor knows him well, but suffer from it. It involves a tremendous amount of interest does not end, surveillance and prevention. It does not take him seriously is located in the unenviable problems.However, once the weight reduction and follow some health guidelines, insulin may come back to turn naturally regulates blood sugar.
Health Commandments to regulate blood sugar:
  • Stay away from sweets high in sugar, fat and sugars.
  • Eating a low-fat few fats such as meat, white meat such as chicken without the skin, fish, in addition to milk and its derivatives few fat.
  • Eating a diet rich in fiber such as whole grains, brown bread (in moderation), beans, lentils, fruits and vegetables (in moderation), as fiber helps to absorb sugar slowly in the body.
  • Eating food with low blood sugar index (Low Glycemic Index) - any foods that do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar at the rate of Kalnkhalh, oats, beans and apples. And moderation in the temperate index of blood sugar, such as boiled potatoes, bananas and fresh orange juice eating cuisine. Food, of course, avoid high-index because it may raise blood sugar rapidly absorbed after, white, such as rice, sugar, white bread, dried fruit Kzubayb.
  • Making sport a part of everyday life, to urge the body to burn energy. Knowing that sport encourages the body's cells to respond to insulin and thus maintain a healthy rate of sugar in the blood.

Do not forget that diabetes control also lies in the treatment during a visit to a specialist doctor. As it advised to check the nutrition specialist to provide you with the right diet for you.

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