السبت، 16 يوليو 2016

Foods that help alleviate menstrual pain

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Foods that help alleviate menstrual pain

Preparation: Mahmoud Haniyeh
are still talking with you about nutrition in adolescence to show the extent of the effect of nutrition positively or negatively on the health of girls and to help ease the changes that occur to the girl , accompanied by Dr. Said Hassouna dietitian
There are several symptoms of menstrual cycle highlighted by the nervous tension and fluid retention and can be controlled by the following foods:
Bananas: Bananas must be dealt with wheat germ private peanuts and nuts which works to calm the nerves and try eating a banana with cheese for pain relief and to overcome the problem of the abundance of menstrual blood because bananas helps to increase hormone Albergstron thereby reducing the amount of bleeding.
Vegetables: should eat vegetables, especially leafy, such as celery, lettuce and parsley to get rid of the trapped fluid in the body because the detention leads to swelling of the feet and a sense of pain and swelling Baltdaan also increase the body weight during the session
Carbohydrates: Must rice, potatoes and pasta eating moderate amounts and without fats and to control the mood swings. 
Hot drinks: boiled fenugreek, boiled parsley, mint, cinnamon and all help alleviate menstrual pain.
The foods that do not fit the period of the menstrual cycle they are the salt because it increases the fluid retention and caffeine found in coffee, tea and soft drinks because it increases tensions and studies suggest that saved or processed or containing chemicals Food (nitrite sodium to maintain the color) Calcjq and hamburgers and luncheon meat, as well as chocolate, White cola, sugar, meat and fat in general make the girl more vulnerable to menstrual pain
So should the girl be vegetarian as much as possible before and during the menstrual cycle to ease the physical and psychological suffering that bother breakfast in order to preserve her health and safety.
General health guidance:
1. intake of sufficient and appropriate food at specific times. 
2. Avoid excessive intake of food, especially those rich in content of sugars and fats 
3. Reduce intake of sweets and snacks between meals especially fast food. 
4 physical exercise regularly to burn excess calories and strengthen muscles. 
5. careful eating breakfast in the morning. 
6. ensure cooked poultry and poultry products and other meat, toiletries and elsewhere meat cutting for the prevention of germs, not eating foods are purchased by hawkers and must Remember the food in a healthy way and wash fruits and vegetables with water before use, eating dairy scalded. 
7. eating proportionally food contains the right of the various food groups ,such as foods that provide energy and that builds the body which protects and generally amounts it should contain the daily diet pills food and Bean and milk, meat, vegetables and fruits. 
8. combat parasitic infections that can be transmitted by food, drink and so on 
9. combat the lack of environmental needs (such as iodine deficiency and fluoride and iron) 
10. provision of clean water and ensure food safety , all of which is one of the basic requirements for health promotion should be to emphasize health education on the dangers of contaminated water , which are common in impoverished environments. 
11. prepare food and submitted in accordance with the health and safety rules. 
13. Remember food from contamination.

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