السبت، 16 يوليو 2016


Congratulations on the effort made to reach a healthy weight! Maintaining appropriate weight is not easy, but at the same time is not as difficult, which seems to them. If you followed the instructions listed below and discussed the number of calories in your meals daily and a list Mokulatk with a nutritionist, Tsttiein control your weight and protection from weight gain. Without forgetting the role of sport in maintaining the proper weight.
• Follow a healthy lifestyle! Nationalist abide by healthy eating and was keen to do a lot of movement. • Watch your weight: the most effective way to maintain a healthy weight is to monitor your weight twice a week on a reliable balance.
• Eat fiber - rich Almoullac so you can feel satiety: whole grains, legumes (lentils and beans), vegetables, and fruits are good sources of fiber that may help you feel full , a few calories. You make sure to get five alternatives of fruits and vegetables every day.
• Remember exercise! Thabra for at least 30 minutes five or more days a week. If you already're at 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, Tsttiein get additional health benefits by increasing the duration of the exercises or doing exercises strongest unit. • Recruit dairy products low - fat:such as milk, cheese, yoghurt and milk , which will help ease the extra calories from by reducing the amount of fat.
• Commit meat, chicken and grilled fish.
• If Tnaolte food outside the home, remember: Watch the amount of food intake in the restaurant because the larger dishes. Avoid Food on the list that include the word "fried" or "Balksamat" because they contain additional amounts of fat and calories! Authorities ask to dressing and sauces on theside and my only two tablespoons or less of salad dressing on them.
• forgive yourself: If you who rarely make mistakes, do not give up! I eat my meal lunch and dinner if you eat too Sahatin rich breakfast in calories and fat, and add more exercise to your day.
• your diet to maintain your weight should not be harsh; I do not have to eat specific foods do not do like, but you have a lot of options to CHOOSE them.
The best piece of advice:if you wanted to maintain your weight, you can replace the food type with another of the same food group and you're so have my wallet on the rate ofcalories in the daily diet.
If you do not want a piece of toast, you can replace it by 1/4 loaf of bread or 2/1 cup of pasta or potato small roast. Same thing for meat, if you do not want meat for dinner, you can replace it with eggs or low-fat cheese.
Here's a list of typical food for one day to maintain the appropriate weight to suggest some options (Be aware that the amounts vary according to weight and physical movement):
• 1 cup low - fat milk
• 2 toast brown or 1 small brown bread or 1 and 4/1 cup of whole cereals loaf
• 2 slice of low - fat cheese or 2 tablespoons of low - fat yoghurt or eggs
• 1 teaspoon olive oil or olive kernels 5
Snack: 1 piece fruit of your choice
• a large bowl of power +1 teaspoon of olive oil
• size of the palm of grilled chicken breast or piece of low - fat steak (120 grams)
• 1 cup of rice or pasta or bulgur boiled • 4/3 cup of low - fat yogurt
Snack: 2 pieces fruit or 1 cup of unsweetened juice or a small piece of candy on your taste!
Good tip: Did you know that one cup of fresh fruit juice equals two pieces of fruit? Eat a piece of fresh an alternate because they contain more fiber and less calories.
the dinner:
It can be similar to Quick breakfast or lunch, but the sandwich is a healthy option:
Option No. 1:
• low - fat cheese sandwich or brick or turkey with vegetables
• 1 cup fresh fruit salad
Option No. 2:
• piece of grilled chicken breast or 4/3 pack stomachs with water and canned vegetables on the side
• potato grilled medium - sized or 2/1 loaf of Arabic bread
• 1 cup fresh fruit salad
Discuss your eating habits and lifestyle with a dietitian can help you in planning to choose healthy foods and learn the appropriate quantities should consider taking to keep up you trim. Diet for maintenance is a way of life but soft and take what you like or do not like the food into consideration.

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