السبت، 16 يوليو 2016

Lift up your logo not for high blood pressure

High blood pressure during pregnancy case of accompanying cases of pregnancy occurring in 5% of pregnant women and is characterized by high blood pressure with the presence of albumin in the urine and the presence of retention of fluids in the lower limbs of the body, identify the nature of this disease with d. Adnan Radhi
What are the symptoms of this disease?
The symptoms associated with the disease appear in severe cases, the symptoms are often unnoticed by the mother or may be taken as a strain or something not related to the disease. It is these symptoms:
• Headache: It is often in the front area or the forehead and rarely in the back of the head. 
• interference in the vision or lack of vision. 
• nausea and the urge to vomit. 
• stomach pain. 
• Pain in the right side below the diaphragm. 
• Few in urinating. 
• vaginal bleeding. 
• swelling and fluid retention in the limbs.
And what about the signs of the disease?
Signs of the disease a rise in blood pressure up to 140/90 or more, as well as fluid retention, and is divided into two groups:
Clinical retention: occurs after the rise in blood pressure, and retention vague terms; causes increased weight by 1 kg or more per week, or an increase of 3 kg or more per month.
The places in the greenhouse shall be: lower limbs, face, fingers, external genitalia of women. As well as signs of occurrence of albumin in the urine: occurs after the fluid retention.
How do you prevent it?
From the disease of expectant mothers at risk for high blood pressure are taking a small dose of aspirin 75 mg per day taken from the second decade of pregnancy
What are the mechanisms of treatment?
• preventive treatment during pregnancy in cases of mild rise in pressure or duration of pregnancy less than 37 weeks. The aim is to check on the baby and the mother correct pressure growth ..
• hospital stay if more than 36 weeks but if the follow-up abroad For the mother to visit the doctor twice a week.
• food without salt.

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